About Latif's.

Order food online in Alsager! It's so easy to use, fast and convenient. Try our new, online website which contains our entire takeaway menu. The Latif's is located in Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent.

You can now order online, all your favourite dishes & many delicious options.

Here at Latif's we are constantly striving to improve our service and quality in order to give our customers the very best experience. As a result, we are finally proud to unveil and introduce our latest improvement, our new online ordering website! You can now order your favourite food online.

Latif's in Alsager will always be offering great food at affordable prices. Please feel free to browse our new website and place your order online. Remember to check our new online ordering site to get up to date prices and exclusive special offers, limited to our online customers only!

Thank you for visiting Latif's in Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent. We hope you enjoy our online ordering website and your food.

Biriyani Dishes

Traditional mogul dish where we cook selected meat or fish with fragrant basmati rice, onion and peppers, coriander whole spices almond, sultana, fresh coriander and a boiled egg.

Masala Dishes

Contains nuts. Mild and sweet dish. Marinated herbs and spices then prepared in a clay oven, recooked in a special mild red sauce made with cream, almonds, sultanas and coconut.

Korma Dishes

Very mild. Cooked with cream and coconut

Gift vouchers available

Treat someone to our inspired Indian cuisine!. Latif's Vouchers now available instore
Ideal gift for special occassions
Available in £5, £10, £25, & £50 all vouchers supplied with a gift card and envelope